I. Install Drupal

We start to blank drupal

II. Install Component Builder module

  • $ composer require 'drupal/inline_entity_form:^1.0@RC'
  • $ composer require 'drupal/entity:^1.3'
  • $ composer require 'drupal/component_builder'

III. Enable component builder module

Step 1. At the admin menu, click on Extend menu.

Step 2. At the Filter box, enter “Component” and then search.

Step 3. Tick on “Component Builder” and “Component Builder Toolbar”.

Step 4. Click on Install and wait for the installation to finish.

IV. Activate some component type

Step 1. At admin menu, choose Component menu then click on Setting

Step 2. Click on Enable component type field

Step 3. Click on Component group type to see component type (or click on Collapse / Uncollapse all)

Step 4. Tick on the component type that you want.

V. Add component field to a content type (or any entity type)

Step 1. Continue on the settings page, click on Add component field.

Step 2. Click on button Add field the a popup appear

Step 3. Select entity type = Content, enter name, tick on Bundler you want

Step 4. Click on Save button

VI. Set auto redirect

Step 1. Tick on Redirect to builder page

Step 2. Click on Save configuration button


*Note:  Add header/footer/menu for more specific site.

VII. Create a basic page

Step 1. At admin menu, choose Content menu, then click on Basic page

Step 2. Enter title then save and you get a new page.

VIII. Add some components

Step 1. On the left side of the newly created page and click on Plus icon, then Add new component pop-up appear.

Step 2. Choose component type you want then enter required values for each component (You can choose many component)

Step 3. Add component items for component

Step 4. Click on Save 


IX. We have a website

Now we have a website