How to Create a Custom Entity in Drupal 10 in 3 Minutes

If asked about the quintessential element in Drupal, my immediate response would be the "Entity". It's the heartbeat of Drupal, its foundational concept.

Out of the box, Drupal offers essential entity types like node, taxonomy, user, block, comment, media, and more. Additionally, contribution modules expand the list with entities such as Commerce Product, Store, Order, Variation, Paragraph, and Component builder item.

However, despite their prevalence, coding a new Custom Entity often poses a challenge for many, whether they're beginners or experienced Drupal developers. The web overflows with guides on the topic, but successfully crafting a complete entity remains elusive for most.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a function to craft a new entity effortlessly? A module now exists that can generate a Drupal Custom Entity in just 3 minutes. The resulting entity adheres to standards, allowing any developer to extend its functionality.

1. The Advantages of Custom Entities in Drupal 10

  • Solution Architects: Entities translate to ERDs and data structures.
  • Developers: Entities optimize numerous functions.
  • Drupal Site Builders: While similar to content types, entities can boost website speed. Using custom entities over content types diversifies data across multiple tables. This can significantly enhance the performance of sites where certain content types, like basic pages, are frequently accessed but have scant content.
  • Custom entities, as opposed to direct database tables, tap into Drupal's innate prowess, fostering standardization across projects and among developers.

2. The Hurdles of Crafting a Custom Entity in Drupal 10

  • Building a custom entity from scratch is a formidable task.
  • In Drupal development, maintaining consistency among the plethora of entities is paramount.
  • Harnessing all standard functions that entities offer isn't always straightforward.
  • The constant demand to code custom entities and address their gaps can tax organizations.

3. The Aim of This Module: Custom Entity Example

  • From a design perspective, entities help visualize business flows, ERDs, and Class Diagrams in Drupal, enabling the verification of relationships and logic flows. While content types have their merits, entities prove superior for large datasets.
  • During the technical documentation stage, this module clearly defines functions for each entity, ensuring they align seamlessly with actual code functions. Once this phase concludes, developers have a roadmap to craft intricate functions within each entity.
  • Experienced Drupal developers can easily assign tasks to their team and oversee, assist, and evaluate their progression, thanks to a comprehensive list of entities and accompanying technical documentation.
  • For Drupal configuration, Drupal 10 is fully in sync with standard entities, making configurations for language, domain access, permissions, views, menus, and blocks intuitive.

4. Introducing: The Custom Entity Example Module


  • A prototype of a standard custom entity that integrates seamlessly with admin content, type management, multilingual capabilities, and view contextual filters and so on.
  • A drush command for automated content generation using copy-replacement (detail in README.txt).
  • A user interface to automate new entity creation through copy-replacement (detail in README.txt).
  • As we move forward, expect the introduction of more vital functions.

5. As we move forward, expect the introduction of more vital functions.
